
IonFramework and IonSelector are part of interactive set of IonDesign, they are responsible to ensuring the user experience. Below you can see the list of API functions.


IonFramework controls the components of IonDesign, as well as the user interaction events. It is responsible for ensuring a better user experience, from it is possible, for example, to display dialogs, alerts and warnings. In general, make the user experience richer in your application.



Shows a dialog.

Parameter Type Description
data Object An object with dialog properties, with the attributes below:

title (string): The title of the dialog

subtitle (string): The subtitle of the dialog

content (string): The main content of the dialog

affirmativeText (string): The text of the affirmation button

dismissiveText (string): The text of the deny button

dismissible (boolean): If true, The dialog is dismissed on press the overlay

class (string): An css class for customization

Ion.filter(array, key, filter)

Returns a new array with the matches of the filter applied to the fields chosen.

Parameter Type Description
array Array The array of objects that will be filtered
key Array | string A field or an array of fields of the array
filter string The string to be searched for
var numbers = [{
    number: 1,
    name: "One"
    number: 2,
    name: "Two"
    number: 3,
    name: "Three"
    number: 4,
    name: "Four"
    number: 5,
    name: "Five"

Ion.filter(numbers, "name", "T"); //[{number: 2, name: "Two"}, {number: 3, name: "Three"}]

Ion.get($element, context)

Instances the IonSelector for an element based on a context element or the document.

Parameter Type Description
$element Array | Element | string An css selector string or an element or array of elements
context Element The base element for query. Default is document






IonSelector is the part of the IonDesign API for interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM), in other words, the Web document. Through this APi it is possible to create, remove and edit the HTML elements of the page in an easier way.

































IonView provides a way to build dynamic and reactive user interfaces. Through declarative syntax it is possible to show or hide elements, display text dinamically, list content and handle user action.


